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A look back at 2019!

I still can't believe that it's 2020. I mean this year seriously flew, but I think we all say that at the start at every year. 2019 will always hold a special place in my heart as it was the year I went FULL FULL TIME in photography. I say full full time because I was pretty much already full time, I just finally quit my day job and made this my only job. And I can say that it was the best decision ever. So I wanted to look back on some of my sessions, as well as some personal stuff that happened this year, because it was a good one!


Started my year off with handful of newborn sessions and a beautiful maternity session at a greenhouse and in the snow. January is always a slower month, and honestly I never mind after the chaos of fall and the holiday season. I also entered 50 images into the Shoot and Share Contest this month, which is always fun trying to narrow them down (sarcasm).


A few more newborns, a family film at The Upper Crust in Overland Park, a wedding film from the Vow Exchange and lots of snow here in the Kansas City area! I absolutely love doing wedding videography, but the editing is a killer when you also have photo sessions as well. I put my heart and soul into them, am a perfectionist, so I can only take on about 5 a year in order for me to not be so overwhelmed.


This was the month I made the decision that I was going quit my day job. I remember feeling so much excitement to be fully following my dream. I cried a lot this month, but mostly from happiness. It was a month filled with newborns, fresh 48, in home sessions, a boudoir session, a library session in Shawnee and taking my daughter's 6 year photos and a little film for her as well. The results from the Shoot and Share contest also were posted and I ended up with 5 finalists and almost all the other images with top 10%, 20%, or 30%. Only 2 of my images out of 50 did not make a top 30% or better. I was pretty dang proud!


Spring has sprung! Celebrated my daughter's 6th Birthday A month with some newborns and the start of my outdoor family sessions, which all took place in Johnson county. I was definitely counting down the days to my last day at my day job at this point.


This month is always a crazy one. My other daughter's birthday, dance recitals, graduations, the end of school and Memorial Day. But this month in this year held something super special. On May 10th, I left my job. I job I had almost 10 years. I left the most amazing team, incredible clients that I worked with a long time and that security. But it was the right decision and one I have zero regrets about. Filled my month with a beautiful mix sessions. Oh, and I was featured on this list, The 65 Most Unique Child Portraits Ever, which was pretty dang awesome!


Summer is here! So many pool days! I enjoyed a better work/ life balance, shot some incredible sessions and for the first time in a long time just LOVED the start of summer. One thing special was doing some mini sessions for the Who is Carter Foundation based here in Kansas City. Also started freelance work with GoDaddy Social.


One of my favorite months. 4th of July was filled with family and fireworks. Celebrated my birthday this month as well. I had some amazing (and hot) outdoor sessions, created some beautiful family films and really took advantage of that gorgeous summer light (man I'm missing it right now).

For more films from July go to here and here


It was hot. I remember that. No, but really it was a busy month of sessions including a wedding at Timber Creek Event Center in St. Joseph (videography), a save the date film, newborn and family sessions. My oldest started 1st grade and my youngest started Pre-K. Unfortunately we ended the month saying goodbye to our sweet old labrador. We still miss her terribly.


And here is when things get super crazy. Just a ton of sessions + wedding + an incredible trip to Oregon with my whole dang family. The Pacific Northwest is pretty much my favorite place on earth and I dream of moving there someday.


This month was a blur. The amount of sessions I did this month was...a lot. But I am so thankful for everyone that trusted me as their photographer during the fall chaos. A pretty cool thing happened too when Peerspace named me as one of the Top 7 Lifestyle Photographers in Kansas City. Felt pretty dang amazing being recognized by other people and I loved the description they wrote for my work. But the biggest news...we got a new puppy!! We adopted our sweet Betty Jo from Unleashed in Mission.


Another insane month filled to the brim with mini sessions and another stunning wedding (at The Farms at Woodend Springs) in Bonner Springs I got to film. Shot a promo video for a local company Organizing KC. Oh, and we bought a minivan. And I honestly love it (25 year old me is yelling at 35 year old me for that).

Organizing KC promo film here


Created some wonderful Holiday memories with my family as well as some holiday memories for clients. Did a little rebranding and took the last 2 weeks off from sessions to enjoy Christmas and let myself catch my breath. It was truly a wonderful, scary, sad, happy, amazing year. I'm so ready to crush all my goals for 2020!


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